Releases: 6502ts/6502.ts
Releases · 6502ts/6502.ts
Touch controls in Stellerator Embedded
Dependency update, support touch controls in Stellerator Embedded.
CDF music mode fix
Fix CDF music mode.
Minor collision fix
Improvements to playfield collisions during HBLANK. Fixes a glitch in Thrust.
Say hi to iOS
- Stellerator: UI fixes for mobile devices
- Work around audio issues on iOS
- Implement a poor man's fullscreen mode for iOS devices
- Restrict HiDPI scaling in order to avoid slowdowns in Chrome
- Stellerator embedded: reduce default volume to 70%.
Minor HMOVE fix
Fix an extreme edge case of late HMOVE followed by another HMOVE. This fixes a spurious line at the left side of the screen in panda chase.
More robust fullscreen aspect
Override maxHeight and maxWidth in fullscreen model
CPU timing fix.
More accurate memory access timings, fixes edge cases in timer loops.
Minor TIA fixes
Fix the two highest bytes on undefined TIA reads.
Fix gamepad input
This release fixes gamepad input in Stellerator embedded.
NPM metadata update
This release adds the Github repository to the NPM metadata. There are no functional changes.