This arduino sketch implements an ESP32 BLE client for XIaomi Mi Flora Plant sensors, pushing the meaasurements to an MQTT server.
It is a direct copy of this repository by sidddy, made to effortlessly build with platformio.
Things you definitly need to change in the config.h
- the MAC adress of your flora device
- your wifi name
- your wifi password
- your mqtt host adress
- your mqtt password
- ESP32
- Xiaomi Mi Plant Sensor (firmware revision >= 2.6.6)
- MQTT server
The ESP32 will perform a single connection attempt to the Xiaomi Mi Plant sensor, read the sensor data & push it to the MQTT server. The ESP32 will enter deep sleep mode after all sensors have been read and sleep for X minutes before repeating the exercise... Battery level is read every Xth wakeup. Up to X attempst per sensor are performed when reading the data fails.
- SLEEP_DURATION - how long should the device sleep between sensor reads?
- EMERGENCY_HIBERNATE - how long after wakeup should the device forcefully go to sleep (e.g. when something gets stuck)?
- BATTERY_INTERVAL - how ofter should the battery status be read?
- RETRY - how ofter should a single device be tried on each run?
- sidddy
- Many thanks go to the guys at for figuring out the sensor protocol.