- Added missing LandJellyFish and SpaceFloater creature types.
- Fixed issue with Living (DeepSpaceCommon) frigates.
- Fixed issue with bases not showing up after update.
- Split savegame and account name mapping lists due to conflicts.
- Updated name mappings and items for NMS 3.94 (Endurance).
- Added new living frigate types and fixed a few issues in trait setup.
- Added Freighter Cargo inventory.
- Added Leviathan frigate to list of frigate types.
- Updated name mappings for NMS 3.91
- Updated name mappings and items for NMS 3.90 (Leviathan)
- Added Squadron tab with the ability to modify the wingman data.
- Updated name mappings
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS 3.85 (Outlaws)
- Added new Cargo inventory for ships (named "Inflated Sacs" in living ship).
- Added new ship type: Solar.
- Added new FontScaling setting in the NMSSaveEditor.conf file for more control over editor font sizes.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS 3.84
- Fixed bug in multitool type detection for older saves.
- Added new multitool Type field (Standard/Royal)
- Updated name mappings
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 3.8 (Sentinel)
- Updated name mappings for Expedition 4.
- Added new zip archive for when self-extracting exe is blocked by anti-virus.
- Updated items for Expedition 4.
- Added support for PS4 Save Wizard storage.
- Added Settlements tab with UI for production.
- Fixed bug with save reloading when game is running.
- Added Fleet Coordination stat to freighters.
- Updated name mappings.
- Fixed stack sizes for Expedition saves.
- Added more robust detection of invalid saves.
- Major overhaul of storage system, which should improve performance and allow the addition of other storage types.
- Added support for MS Game Pass saves.
- Updated frigates tab, and linked stats & traits.
- Increased ship technology max size to 8x6.
- Added ability to add freighter technology to the general slots.
- Fixed bug in multitool list, caused by my own haste to get the last few fixes out!
- Updated README.md and screenshots.
- Fixed bug in account tab, caused by my own haste to get the last few fixes out!
- Fixed bug in companion seed values.
- Fixed issue where discovery tab was not loading correctly.
- Fixed issue where some very old saves could not be loaded at all.
- Updated name mappings.
- Added creatures to save editor UI.
- Added ability to modify account data & unlocks.
- Fixed issue where base data wasn't showing up.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 3.6 (Frontiers)
- Added ability to read compressed save files
- Expanded number of save file slots from 5 to 15
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 3.5 (Prisms)
- Updated items list for NMS version 3.42 (Beachhead)
- Added Normandy frigate type.
- Added Expedition game mode to editor.
- Updated name mappings for Expedition save file.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 3.3 (Expeditions)
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 3.2 (Companions)
- Added the ability to Export/Import the save file data in JSON format (edit with your preferred text editor)
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 3.1 (Next Generation)
- Added missing technologies that apply to all ships/vehicles.
- Fixed issue where vehicles tab was no longer accessible on some saves.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 3.0.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 2.61.
- Added missing procedural freighter tech.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 2.6 (Desolation).
- Added support for procedural freighter tech.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 2.41 (Exo Mech).
- Added support for minotaur exo mech.
- Fixed issue when changing a ship type involving living ships.
- Added 3 missing procedural products added in the Living Ship update.
- Added the ability to import/export ships and multitools.
- Fixed issue where normal ship technologies were not displaying in Add Item dialog.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 2.31 (Living Ship).
- Added support for living ships.
- Updated items list and name mappings for NMS version 2.2 (Synthesis).
- Added support for additional multitools.
- Internal improvements to the saved file structure.
- Updated items list for NMS version 2.13.
- Updated name mappings to include a few more missing items.
- Updated type and strength indicator for frigate traits to show real in-game values.
- Added last save date/time to save slot dropdown.
- Updated name mappings to include a few more missing items.
- Added type and strength indicator to frigate traits.
- Updated items list for current Experimental branch.
- Updated name mappings to include a few more missing items.
- Added ingredient-only restriction to Ingredient Storage container.
- Added Ingredient Storage to base chests list.
- Fixed minor issue when repairing new technologies.
- Updated items database for NMS 1.09.
- Fixed NullPointerException in inventory panel that affected some users.
- Fixed issue where partially-built technology was being reset when moved to another inventory (ie: ships).
- Fixed issue with bases not showing up.
- Updated name mappings to include new base info fields.
- Updated words discovery UI for changes made in BEYOND.
- Disabled change stack size feature, as it is no longer possible to do this due to in-game restrictions.
- Updated procedural products in the items database.
- Updated items database for No Man's Sky 2.0 (BEYOND).
- Increased default stack size for substances in creative/normal saves.