diff --git a/_posts/blog/2024-02-13-Entorno-Pentesting.md b/_posts/blog/2024-02-13-Entorno-Pentesting.md index 64ceb00..c8a698b 100644 --- a/_posts/blog/2024-02-13-Entorno-Pentesting.md +++ b/_posts/blog/2024-02-13-Entorno-Pentesting.md @@ -129,6 +129,42 @@ You can choose the mode you prefer. ![list](/assets/img/entorno/final.png){:.lead width="800" height="100" loading="lazy"} +## hotkeys + +| Shortcut | Description | +|------------------------|-------------| +| super + Return | Terminal Emulator - /usr/bin/kitty | +| super + d | Program Launcher - rofi | +| super + Escape | Reload sxhkd configuration | +| super + alt + {q,r} | Quit/Restart bspwm | +| super + {_,shift + }q | Close/Kill window | +| super + m | Toggle between tiled and monocle layout | +| super + y | Send newest marked window to newest preselected window | +| super + g | Swap current window with biggest window | +| super + {t,shift + t,s,f} | Set window state | +| super + ctrl + {m,x,y,z} | Set window flags | +| super + {_,shift + }{Left,Down,Up,Right} | Focus window in given direction | +| super + {p,b,comma,period} | Focus next/previous window on current desktop | +| super + {_,shift + }c | Focus next/previous window on current desktop | +| super + bracket{left,right} | Focus next/previous desktop on current monitor | +| super + {grave,Tab} | Focus last window/desktop | +| super + {o,i} | Focus older/newer window in focus history | +| super + {_,shift + }{1-9,0} | Focus or send to given desktop | +| super + ctrl + alt + {Left,Down,Up,Right} | Preselect direction | +| super + ctrl + {1-9} | Preselect ratio | +| super + ctrl + alt + space | Cancel preselection for focused window | +| super + ctrl + shift + space | Cancel preselection for focused desktop | +| super + alt + {Left,Down,Up,Right} | Expand window | +| super + alt + shift + {Left,Down,Up,Right} | Contract window | +| super + ctrl + {Left,Down,Up,Right} | Move floating window | +| super + {Left,Down,Up,Right} | Custom move window | +| super + shift + f | Open Firefox | +| super + shift + g | Open Chrome | +| super + b | Open BurpSuite Community Edition | +| super + shift + o | Open Obsidian | +| super + q | Lock screen with i3lock-fancy | + + --- ```bash