This quickstart describes a flow to predict future ETH price via a local AI model.
It is used for the first ETH Prediction Challenge
- Kickoff: Oct 2, 2022
- Submission deadline: Oct 16, 2022 at 23:59 UTC
- Prediction at times: Oct 17, 2022 at 1:00 UTC, 2:00 UTC, ..., 23:00, 24:00. (24 predictions total).
- Winners announced: within one week
Here are the steps:
- Basic Setup
- Get data locally. E.g. Binance ETH price feed
- Make predictions
- Publish & share predictions
- Linux/MacOS
- Python 3.8.5+
- Arweave Bundlr:
npm install -g @bundlr-network/client
Now, let's install Python libraries. Open a terminal and:
# Initialize virtual environment and activate it.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
# Avoid errors for the step that follows
pip3 install wheel
# Install Ocean library
pip3 install ocean-lib
# Install other libraries
pip3 install matplotlib pybundlr
You'll be using Polygon network. So, please ensure that you have a Polygon account that holds some MATIC (at least a few $ worth). More info.
In the terminal:
export REMOTE_TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1=<your Polygon private key>
Do the steps in "Appendix: Load helper functions".
In the terminal, run Python: python
In the Python console:
ocean = create_ocean_instance()
alice_wallet = create_alice_wallet(ocean) #you're Alice
Here, we grab Binance ETH/USDT price feed, which is published through Ocean as a free asset. You can see it on Ocean Market here.
In the same Python console:
# Download file
ETH_USDT_did = "did:op:0dac5eb4965fb2b485181671adbf3a23b0133abf71d2775eda8043e8efc92d19"
file_name = ocean.assets.download_file(ETH_USDT_did, alice_wallet)
allcex_uts, allcex_vals = load_from_ohlc_data(file_name)
print_datetime_info("CEX data info", allcex_uts)
Here's where you build whatever AI/ML model you want, leveraging the data from the previous step.
This demo flow skips building a model because the next step will simply generate random predictions.
Predictions must be one prediction every hour on the hour, for a 24h period: Oct 3 at 1:00am UTC, at 2:00am, at 3:00am, ..., 11.00pm, 12.00am. Therefore there are 24 predictions total.
In the same Python console:
#get predicted ETH values
import random
avg = 1300
rng = 25.0
pred_vals = [avg + rng * (random.random() - 0.5) for i in range(24)]
We use normalized mean-squared error (NMSE) as the accuracy measure.
In the same Python console:
#get actual ETH values (for testing)
start_dt = datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 3, 1, 00) #Example time. Oct 14, 2022 at 1:00am
target_uts = target_24h_unixtimes(start_dt)
print_datetime_info("target times", target_uts)
#allcex_uts, allcex_vals = .. # we already have these from section 2.2
cex_vals = filter_to_target_uts(target_uts, allcex_uts, allcex_vals)
#calc nmse, plot
nmse = calc_nmse(cex_vals, pred_vals)
print(f"NMSE = {nmse}")
plot_prices(cex_vals, pred_vals)
Keep iterating in step 3 until you're satisfied with accuracy. Then...
In the same Python console:
file_name = "/tmp/pred_vals.csv"
save_list(pred_vals, file_name)
The csv will look something like:
You'll upload to Arweave permanent decentralized file storage, via Bundlr. This makes the predictions tamper-proof. Bundlr enables you to pay via MATIC from your Polygon account.
In the same Python console:
from pybundlr import pybundlr
file_name = "/tmp/pred_vals.csv"
url = pybundlr.fund_and_upload(file_name, "matic", alice_wallet.private_key)
#e.g. url = ""
print(f"Your csv url: {url}")
In the same Python console:
name = "ETH predictions " + str(time.time()) #time for unique name
(data_nft, datatoken, asset) = ocean.assets.create_url_asset(name, url, alice_wallet, wait_for_aqua=False)
data_nft.set_metadata_state(metadata_state=5, from_wallet=alice_wallet)
print(f"New asset created, with did={asset.did}, and datatoken.address={datatoken.address}")
Write down the did
and datatoken.address
. You'll be needing to share them in the Questbook entry.
In the same Python console:
to_address="0xA54ABd42b11B7C97538CAD7C6A2820419ddF703E" #official judges address, ocean.to_wei(10), alice_wallet)
Finally, ensure you've filled in your Questbook entry.
Now, you're complete! Thanks for being part of this competition.
In the terminal:
export REMOTE_TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1=<judges' private key, having address 0xA54A..>
Do the steps in "Appendix: Load helper functions".
In the same Python console:
ocean = create_ocean_instance()
alice_wallet = create_alice_wallet(ocean) #you're Alice
#get predicted ETH values
did = <value shared by you>
file_name = ocean.assets.download_file(did, alice_wallet)
pred_vals = load_list(file_name)
#get actual ETH values (final)
ETH_USDT_did = "did:op:0dac5eb4965fb2b485181671adbf3a23b0133abf71d2775eda8043e8efc92d19"
file_name = ocean.assets.download_file(ETH_USDT_did, alice_wallet)
allcex_uts, allcex_vals = load_from_ohlc_data(file_name)
print_datetime_info("CEX data info", allcex_uts)
start_dt = datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 17, 1, 00) #Oct 17, 2022 at 1:00am
target_uts = target_24h_unixtimes(start_dt)
print_datetime_info("target times", target_uts)
cex_vals = filter_to_target_uts(target_uts, allcex_uts, allcex_vals)
#calc nmse, plot
nmse = calc_nmse(cex_vals, pred_vals)
print(f"NMSE = {nmse}")
plot_prices(cex_vals, pred_vals)
If the Python console isn't already open: python
In the Python console, copy and paste everything below:
import datetime
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import os
import time
import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ocean_lib.example_config import ExampleConfig
from ocean_lib.ocean.ocean import Ocean
from ocean_lib.web3_internal.wallet import Wallet
#helper functions: setup
def create_ocean_instance() -> Ocean:
config = ExampleConfig.get_config("") # points to Polygon mainnet
config["BLOCK_CONFIRMATIONS"] = 1 #faster
ocean = Ocean(config)
return ocean
def create_alice_wallet(ocean: Ocean) -> Wallet:
config = ocean.config_dict
alice_private_key = os.getenv('REMOTE_TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1')
alice_wallet = Wallet(ocean.web3, alice_private_key, config["BLOCK_CONFIRMATIONS"], config["TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT"])
bal = ocean.from_wei(alice_wallet.web3.eth.get_balance(alice_wallet.address))
print(f"alice_wallet.address={alice_wallet.address}. bal={bal}")
assert bal > 0, f"Alice needs MATIC"
return alice_wallet
#helper functions: time
def to_unixtime(dt: datetime.datetime):
return time.mktime(dt.timetuple())
def to_unixtimes(dts: list) -> list:
return [to_unixtime(dt) for dt in dts]
def to_datetime(ut) -> datetime.datetime:
return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ut)
def to_datetimes(uts: list) -> list:
return [to_datetime(ut) for ut in uts]
def print_datetime_info(descr:str, uts: list):
dts = to_datetimes(uts)
print(descr + ":")
print(f" first datetime: {dts[0].strftime('%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M:%S')}")
print(f" last datetime: {dts[-1].strftime('%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M:%S')}")
print(f" {len(dts)} datapoints")
print(f" time interval between datapoints: {(dts[1]-dts[0])}")
def target_24h_unixtimes(start_dt: datetime.datetime) -> list:
target_dts = [start_dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=h) for h in range(24)]
target_uts = to_unixtimes(target_dts)
return target_uts
#helper-functions: higher level
def load_from_ohlc_data(file_name: str) -> tuple:
"""Returns (list_of_unixtimes, list_of_close_prices)"""
with open(file_name, "r") as file:
data_str ='"', '')
x = eval(data_str) #list of lists
uts = [xi[0]/1000 for xi in x]
vals = [xi[4] for xi in x]
return (uts, vals)
def filter_to_target_uts(target_uts:list, unfiltered_uts:list, unfiltered_vals:list) -> list:
"""Return filtered_vals -- values at at the target timestamps"""
filtered_vals = [None] * len(target_uts)
for i, target_ut in enumerate(target_uts):
time_diffs = np.abs(np.asarray(unfiltered_uts) - target_ut)
tol_s = 1 #should always align within e.g. 1 second
assert min(time_diffs) <= tol_s, min(time_diffs)
j = np.argmin(time_diffs)
filtered_vals[i] = unfiltered_vals[j]
return filtered_vals
#helpers: save/load list
def save_list(list_: list, file_name: str):
"""Save a file shaped: [1.2, 3.4, 5.6, ..]"""
p = Path(file_name)
def load_list(file_name: str) -> list:
"""Load from a file shaped: [1.2, 3.4, 5.6, ..]"""
p = Path(file_name)
s = p.read_text()
list_ = eval(s)
return list_
#helpers: prediction performance
def calc_nmse(y, yhat) -> float:
assert len(y) == len(yhat)
mse_xy = np.sum(np.square(np.asarray(y) - np.asarray(yhat)))
mse_x = np.sum(np.square(np.asarray(y)))
nmse = mse_xy / mse_x
return nmse
def plot_prices(cex_vals, pred_vals):
matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
x = [h for h in range(0,24)]
assert len(x) == len(cex_vals) == len(pred_vals)
fig, ax = plt.subplots()
ax.plot(x, cex_vals, '--', label="CEX values")
ax.plot(x, pred_vals, '-', label="Pred. values")
ax.legend(loc='lower right')
plt.ylabel("ETH price")
fig.set_size_inches(18, 18)