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Quickstart: Predict Future ETH Price

This quickstart describes a flow to predict future ETH price via a local AI model.

It is used for the first ETH Prediction Challenge

  • Kickoff: Oct 2, 2022
  • Submission deadline: Oct 16, 2022 at 23:59 UTC
  • Prediction at times: Oct 17, 2022 at 1:00 UTC, 2:00 UTC, ..., 23:00, 24:00. (24 predictions total).
  • Winners announced: within one week

Here are the steps:

  1. Basic Setup
  2. Get data locally. E.g. Binance ETH price feed
  3. Make predictions
  4. Publish & share predictions

1. Setup

1.1 Prerequisites & installation


  • Linux/MacOS
  • Python 3.8.5+
  • Arweave Bundlr: npm install -g @bundlr-network/client

Now, let's install Python libraries. Open a terminal and:

# Initialize virtual environment and activate it.
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate

# Avoid errors for the step that follows
pip3 install wheel

# Install Ocean library
pip3 install ocean-lib

# Install other libraries
pip3 install matplotlib pybundlr

1.2 Create Polygon Account (One-Time)

You'll be using Polygon network. So, please ensure that you have a Polygon account that holds some MATIC (at least a few $ worth). More info.

1.3 Set envvars, for Polygon address

In the terminal:

export REMOTE_TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1=<your Polygon private key>

1.4 Load helper functions

Do the steps in "Appendix: Load helper functions".

1.5 Setup in Python, for Polygon

In the terminal, run Python: python

In the Python console:

ocean = create_ocean_instance()
alice_wallet = create_alice_wallet(ocean) #you're Alice

2. Get data locally

2.1 Get ETH price data

Here, we grab Binance ETH/USDT price feed, which is published through Ocean as a free asset. You can see it on Ocean Market here.

In the same Python console:

# Download file
ETH_USDT_did = "did:op:0dac5eb4965fb2b485181671adbf3a23b0133abf71d2775eda8043e8efc92d19"
file_name = ocean.assets.download_file(ETH_USDT_did, alice_wallet)
allcex_uts, allcex_vals = load_from_ohlc_data(file_name)
print_datetime_info("CEX data info", allcex_uts)

3. Make predictions

3.1 Build a simple AI model

Here's where you build whatever AI/ML model you want, leveraging the data from the previous step.

This demo flow skips building a model because the next step will simply generate random predictions.

3.2 Run the AI model to make future ETH price predictions

Predictions must be one prediction every hour on the hour, for a 24h period: Oct 3 at 1:00am UTC, at 2:00am, at 3:00am, ..., 11.00pm, 12.00am. Therefore there are 24 predictions total.

In the same Python console:

#get predicted ETH values
import random
avg = 1300
rng = 25.0
pred_vals = [avg + rng * (random.random() - 0.5) for i in range(24)]

3.3 Calculate NMSE

We use normalized mean-squared error (NMSE) as the accuracy measure.

In the same Python console:

#get actual ETH values (for testing)
start_dt = datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 3, 1, 00) #Example time. Oct 14, 2022 at 1:00am
target_uts = target_24h_unixtimes(start_dt)
print_datetime_info("target times", target_uts)
#allcex_uts, allcex_vals = .. # we already have these from section 2.2
cex_vals = filter_to_target_uts(target_uts, allcex_uts, allcex_vals)

#calc nmse, plot
nmse = calc_nmse(cex_vals, pred_vals)
print(f"NMSE = {nmse}")
plot_prices(cex_vals, pred_vals)

Keep iterating in step 3 until you're satisfied with accuracy. Then...

4. Publish predictions

4.1 Save the predictions as a csv file

In the same Python console:

file_name = "/tmp/pred_vals.csv"
save_list(pred_vals, file_name)

The csv will look something like:


4.2 Put the csv online

You'll upload to Arweave permanent decentralized file storage, via Bundlr. This makes the predictions tamper-proof. Bundlr enables you to pay via MATIC from your Polygon account.

In the same Python console:

from pybundlr import pybundlr
file_name = "/tmp/pred_vals.csv"
url = pybundlr.fund_and_upload(file_name, "matic", alice_wallet.private_key)
#e.g. url = ""
print(f"Your csv url: {url}")

4.3 Publish Ocean asset

In the same Python console:

name = "ETH predictions " + str(time.time()) #time for unique name
(data_nft, datatoken, asset) = ocean.assets.create_url_asset(name, url, alice_wallet, wait_for_aqua=False)
data_nft.set_metadata_state(metadata_state=5, from_wallet=alice_wallet)
print(f"New asset created, with did={asset.did}, and datatoken.address={datatoken.address}")

Write down the did and datatoken.address. You'll be needing to share them in the Questbook entry.

4.4 Share predictions to judges

In the same Python console:

to_address="0xA54ABd42b11B7C97538CAD7C6A2820419ddF703E" #official judges address, ocean.to_wei(10), alice_wallet)

Finally, ensure you've filled in your Questbook entry.

Now, you're complete! Thanks for being part of this competition.

Appendix: What judges will do

In the terminal:

export REMOTE_TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1=<judges' private key, having address 0xA54A..>

Do the steps in "Appendix: Load helper functions".

In the same Python console:

ocean = create_ocean_instance()
alice_wallet = create_alice_wallet(ocean) #you're Alice

#get predicted ETH values
did = <value shared by you>
file_name = ocean.assets.download_file(did, alice_wallet)
pred_vals = load_list(file_name)

#get actual ETH values (final)
ETH_USDT_did = "did:op:0dac5eb4965fb2b485181671adbf3a23b0133abf71d2775eda8043e8efc92d19"
file_name = ocean.assets.download_file(ETH_USDT_did, alice_wallet)
allcex_uts, allcex_vals = load_from_ohlc_data(file_name)
print_datetime_info("CEX data info", allcex_uts)

start_dt = datetime.datetime(2022, 10, 17, 1, 00) #Oct 17, 2022 at 1:00am
target_uts = target_24h_unixtimes(start_dt)
print_datetime_info("target times", target_uts)

cex_vals = filter_to_target_uts(target_uts, allcex_uts, allcex_vals)

#calc nmse, plot
nmse = calc_nmse(cex_vals, pred_vals)
print(f"NMSE = {nmse}")
plot_prices(cex_vals, pred_vals)

Appendix: Load helper functions

If the Python console isn't already open: python

In the Python console, copy and paste everything below:

import datetime
import numpy as np
from pathlib import Path
import os
import time

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from ocean_lib.example_config import ExampleConfig
from ocean_lib.ocean.ocean import Ocean
from ocean_lib.web3_internal.wallet import Wallet

#helper functions: setup
def create_ocean_instance() -> Ocean:
    config = ExampleConfig.get_config("") # points to Polygon mainnet
    config["BLOCK_CONFIRMATIONS"] = 1 #faster
    ocean = Ocean(config)
    return ocean

def create_alice_wallet(ocean: Ocean) -> Wallet:
    config = ocean.config_dict
    alice_private_key = os.getenv('REMOTE_TEST_PRIVATE_KEY1')
    alice_wallet = Wallet(ocean.web3, alice_private_key, config["BLOCK_CONFIRMATIONS"], config["TRANSACTION_TIMEOUT"])
    bal = ocean.from_wei(alice_wallet.web3.eth.get_balance(alice_wallet.address))
    print(f"alice_wallet.address={alice_wallet.address}. bal={bal}")
    assert bal > 0, f"Alice needs MATIC"
    return alice_wallet

#helper functions: time
def to_unixtime(dt: datetime.datetime):
    return time.mktime(dt.timetuple())

def to_unixtimes(dts: list) -> list:
    return [to_unixtime(dt) for dt in dts]

def to_datetime(ut) -> datetime.datetime:
    return datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ut)

def to_datetimes(uts: list) -> list:
    return [to_datetime(ut) for ut in uts]

def print_datetime_info(descr:str, uts: list):
    dts = to_datetimes(uts)
    print(descr + ":")
    print(f"  first datetime: {dts[0].strftime('%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M:%S')}")
    print(f"  last datetime: {dts[-1].strftime('%Y/%m/%d, %H:%M:%S')}")
    print(f"  {len(dts)} datapoints")
    print(f"  time interval between datapoints: {(dts[1]-dts[0])}")

def target_24h_unixtimes(start_dt: datetime.datetime) -> list:
    target_dts = [start_dt + datetime.timedelta(hours=h) for h in range(24)]
    target_uts = to_unixtimes(target_dts)
    return target_uts

#helper-functions: higher level
def load_from_ohlc_data(file_name: str) -> tuple:
    """Returns (list_of_unixtimes, list_of_close_prices)"""
    with open(file_name, "r") as file:
        data_str ='"', '')
    x = eval(data_str) #list of lists
    uts = [xi[0]/1000 for xi in x]
    vals = [xi[4] for xi in x]
    return (uts, vals)

def filter_to_target_uts(target_uts:list, unfiltered_uts:list, unfiltered_vals:list) -> list:
    """Return filtered_vals -- values at at the target timestamps"""
    filtered_vals = [None] * len(target_uts)
    for i, target_ut in enumerate(target_uts):
        time_diffs = np.abs(np.asarray(unfiltered_uts) - target_ut)
        tol_s = 1 #should always align within e.g. 1 second
        assert min(time_diffs) <= tol_s, min(time_diffs) 
        j = np.argmin(time_diffs)
        filtered_vals[i] = unfiltered_vals[j]
    return filtered_vals

#helpers: save/load list
def save_list(list_: list, file_name: str):
    """Save a file shaped: [1.2, 3.4, 5.6, ..]"""
    p = Path(file_name)

def load_list(file_name: str) -> list:
    """Load from a file shaped: [1.2, 3.4, 5.6, ..]"""
    p = Path(file_name)
    s = p.read_text()
    list_ = eval(s)
    return list_

#helpers: prediction performance
def calc_nmse(y, yhat) -> float:
    assert len(y) == len(yhat)
    mse_xy = np.sum(np.square(np.asarray(y) - np.asarray(yhat)))
    mse_x = np.sum(np.square(np.asarray(y)))
    nmse = mse_xy / mse_x
    return nmse

def plot_prices(cex_vals, pred_vals):
    matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': 22})
    x = [h for h in range(0,24)]
    assert len(x) == len(cex_vals) == len(pred_vals)
    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
    ax.plot(x, cex_vals, '--', label="CEX values")
    ax.plot(x, pred_vals, '-', label="Pred. values")
    ax.legend(loc='lower right')
    plt.ylabel("ETH price")
    fig.set_size_inches(18, 18)