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  1. 自我介绍 大家好我叫Chen Bing Wei,我以前只有學習過往佔前後都開發,從未接觸solidity與smart contract這類的東西,但今年因緣際會下修了一門叫分散式金融導論的課,助教教的非常好,讓我對這個領域充滿極大的興趣,或許未來可以做跨領域的結合,結合網路服務,金融科技,與機器學習等現在所學的知識,創造出能對人類有所貢獻的東西,因此想藉由這次機會挑戰自己,參加此次活動逼迫自己學習。

  2. 你认为你会完成本次残酷学习吗? 會



1. HelloWeb3

WTF is Solidity?

  • Solidity is a programming language used for creating smart contracts on the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
  • Solidity has two characteristics:
    1. Object-oriented: After learning it, you can use it to make money by finding the right projects.
    2. Advanced: If you can write smart contract in Solidity, you are the first class citizen of Ethereum.

Development tool: Remix

Remix is an smart contract development IDE (Integrated Development Environment) recommended by Ethereum official.

  • Advantages
    1. Suitable for Beginners: It allows for quick deployment and testing of smart contracts in the browser, without needing to install any programs on your local machine.
    2. Gas Estimation Issue: It will estimation the cost of gas on every functions and display behind them, which can remind developers that wheter functions should be optimized or not.
  • Disadvantages
    1. Limited to Browser: Since Remix is a browser-based IDE, it can be less stable or responsive compared to desktop IDEs like VSCode, especially when working with larger projects or multiple open files.
    2. Collaboration Limitations: Remix doesn’t have built-in features for real-time collaboration or version control like Git, making it more difficult to work in teams.


The first Solidity program

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
contract HelloWeb3 {
    string public _string = "Hello Web3!";
  1. The first line is a comment, which denotes the software license (license identifier) used by the program. We are using the MIT license. If you do not indicate the license used, the program can compile successfully but will report an warning during compilation. Solidity's comments are denoted with "//", followed by the content of the comment (which will not be run by the program). Details can be found in the SPDX-License documentation.
  2. The second line declares the Solidity version used by the source file, because the syntax of different versions is different. This line of code means that the source file will not allow compilation by compilers version lower than v0.8.4 and not higher than v0.9.0 [0.8.4, 0.9.0).
  • There is slight difference among distinct versions: 0.4.22 -> constructor, 0.8.0 -> safeMath
  • Include the pragma version in every file: Locking the version is preferable, except for libraries.
  • Pattern: pragma solidity x.y.z: e.g. pragma solidity ^0.8.3 : [0.8.3, 0.9.0) or pragma solidity >=0.8.3 <0.8.7
  1. Lines 3 and 4 are the main body of the smart contract. Line 3 creates a contract with the name HelloWeb3. Line 4 is the content of the contract. Here, we created a string variable called _string and assign "Hello Web3!" as value to it.


In the first day, I learned what is Solidity, Remix IDE, and completed our first Solidity program - HelloWeb3.


2. Variable Types

Solidity is statically-type language, which means the type of each variable needs to be specified in code at compile time.

  1. Value Type: This include boolean, integer, etc. These variables directly pass values when assigned.
  2. Reference Type:including arrays and structures. These variables take up more space, directly pass addresses (similar to pointers) when assigned, and can be modified with multiple variable names.
  3. Mapping Type: hash tables in Solidity.

1. Value Type

Type Example Byte Default Value
Boolean true / false 1 Byte False
Usigned Integer uint128, uint256 uint256 - 32 bytes 0
Integer int128, int256 int256 - 32 bytes 0
address* / adress payable* address public _address = 0x5C69...5aA6 20 bytes address(0)
Fixed-Sized bytes array bytes32 public _byte32 = "MiniSolidity"; bytes1 public _byte = _byte32[0]; bytes32 - 32 bytes bytes32(0)
Enumeration enum ActionSet { Buy, Hold, Sell } uint 0, 1, 2 -

*address payable: Same as address, but with the additional members transfer and send to allow ETH transfers.

*There are two types of accounts: EOA & CA

  • EOA(Externally Owned Account): For example, Wallet Address
  • CA(Contract Account): For example, Simple Bank Contract

2. Reference Type

Type Example
Array uint256[], string, bytes (Dynamic Size Bytes Array)
Struct struct Demo {uint256 x, uint256 y}

3. Mapping Type

Type Example
Mapping mapping(address=>uint256), mapping(address addr=>uint), mapping(address addr=>uint balance)


3. Function

Here's the format of a function in Solidity:

function <function name>(<parameter types>) <visibility> <mutibility> [returns (<return types>)];
  1. function: To write a function, you need to start with the keyword function.
  2. <function name>: The name of the function.
  3. (<parameter types>): The input parameter types and names.
  4. <visibility>: Function visibility specifiers. There are 4 kinds of them and public is the default visibility if left empty:
  • public: Any account can call -> Be careful with access control issue
  • external: Only other contracts and account can call -> It can be bypassed with this.f(), where f is the function name.
  • internal: Can only be called inside contract and child contracts.
  • private: Can only be accessed within this contract, derived contracts cannot use it. Only inside the contract that defines the function.

Note 1: public is the default visibility for functions. Note 2: public|private|internal can be also used on state variables. Public variables will automatically generate getter functions for querying values. Note 3: The default visibility for state variables is internal.

  1. <mutibility>: Keywords that dictate a Solidity functions behavior. There are 3 kinds of them:
  • view: Functions containing view keyword can read but cannot write on-chain state variables.
  • pure: Functions containing pure keyword cannot read nor write state variables on-chain.
  • payable: enable this function to receive ethers
  • Without pure and view: Functions can both read and write state variables.
  1. [returns (<return types>)]: Return variable types and names.

WTF is pure and view ?

Solidity added these two keywords, because of gas fee. The contract state variables are stored on block chain, and gas fee is very expensive. If you don't rewrite these variables, you don't need to pay gas. You don't need to pay gas for calling pure and view functions.

The following statements are considered modifying the state:

  1. Writing to state variables.
  2. Emitting events.
  3. Creating other contracts.
  4. Using selfdestruct.
  5. Sending Ether via calls.
  6. Calling any function not marked view or pure.
  7. Using low-level calls.
  8. Using inline assembly that contains certain opcodes.


  1. pure vs view

We define a state variable number = 5

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
  pragma solidity ^0.8.4;
  contract FunctionTypes{
      uint256 public number = 5;

Define an add() function, add 1 to number on every call.

  // default
    function add() external{
        number = number + 1;

If add() contains pure keyword, i.e. function add() pure external, it will result in an error. Because pure cannot read state variable in contract nor write. So what can pure do ? That is, you can pass a parameter _number to function, let function returns _number + 1.

  // pure
    function addPure(uint256 _number) external pure returns(uint256 new_number){
        new_number = _number+1;

If add() contains view, i.e. function add() view external, it will also result in error. Because view can read, but cannot write state variable. We can modify the function as follows:

  // view
  function addView() external view returns(uint256 new_number) {
      new_number = number + 1; // can read the state variable outside the function block
  1. internal vs external
  // internal
  function minus() internal {
      number = number - 1;

  // external
  function minusCall() external {

Here we defined an internal minus() function, number will decrease 1 each time function is called. Since internal function can only be called within the contract itself. Therefore, we need to define an external minusCall() function to call minus() internally.

  1. payable
// payable: money (ETH) can be sent to the contract via this function
  function minusPayable() external payable returns(uint256 balance) {
      balance = address(this).balance;

We defined an external payable minusPayable() function, which calls minus() and return ETH balance of the current contract (this keyword can let us query current contract address). Since the function is payable, we can send 1 ETH to the contract when calling minusPayable().


4. Function Output

Return values (return and returns)

There are two keywords related to function output: return and returns:

  • returns is added after the function name to declare variable type and variable name;
  • return is used in the function body and returns desired variables.
  // returning multiple variables
    function returnMultiple() public pure returns(uint256, bool, uint256[3] memory){
        return(1, true, [uint256(1),2,5]);

Named returns

We can indicate the name of the return variables in returns so that solidity automatically initializes these variables, and automatically returns the values of these functions without adding the return keyword.

    // named returns
    function returnNamed() public pure returns(uint256 _number, bool _bool, uint256[3] memory _array){
        _number = 2;
        _bool = false; 
        _array = [uint256(3),2,1];

We only need to assign values to the variable _number, _bool and _array in the function body, and they will automatically return because the return variable type and variable name with returns (uint256 _number, bool _bool, uint256[3] memory _array) have been declared.

Of course, you can also return variables with return keyword in named returns:

    // Named return, still support return
    function returnNamed2() public pure returns(uint256 _number, bool _bool, uint256[3] memory _array){
        return(1, true, [uint256(1),2,5]);

Destructuring assignments

Solidity internally allows tuple types, i.e. a list of objects of potentially different types whose number is a constant at compile-time. The tuples can be used to return multiple values at the same time.

  • Variables declared with type and assigned from the returned tuple, not all elements have to be specified (but the number must match):
        uint256 _number;
        bool _bool;
        uint256[3] memory _array;
        (_number, _bool, _array) = returnNamed();
  • Assign part of return values: Components can be left out. In the following code, we only assign the return value _bool2, but not _ number and _array:
        (, _bool2, ) = returnNamed();


5. Data Storage and Scope

Reference types in Solidity

Reference types(notes on 2024.09.24) differ from value types in that they do not store values directly on their own. Instead, reference types store the address/pointer of the data’s location and do not directly share the data. You can modify the underlying data with different variable names. Reference types array, struct and mapping, which take up a lot of storage space. We need to deal with the location of the data storage when using them.

Data location

There are three types of data storage locations in solidity: storage, memory and calldata. Gas costs are different for different storage locations.

The data of a storage variable is stored on-chain, similar to the hard disk of a computer, and consumes a lot of gas; while the data of memory and calldata variables are temporarily stored in memory, consumes less gas.

General usage:

  1. storage: The state variables are storage by default, which are stored on-chain.
  2. memory: The parameters and temporary variables in the function generally use memory label, which is stored in memory and not on-chain.
  3. calldata: Similar to memory, stored in memory, not on-chain. The difference from memory is that calldata variables cannot be modified, and is generally used for function parameters. Example:
    function fCalldata(uint[] calldata _x) public pure returns(uint[] calldata){
        // The parameter is the calldata array, which cannot be modified.
        // _x[0] = 0 // This modification will report an error.

Data location and assignment behaviour

Data locations are not only relevant for persistency of data, but also for the semantics of assignments:

  1. When storage (a state variable of the contract) is assigned to the local storage (in a function), a reference will be created, and changing value of the new variable will affect the original one. Example:
    uint[] x = [1,2,3]; // state variable: array x

    function fStorage() public{
        // Declare a storage variable xStorage, pointing to x. Modifying xStorage will also affect x
        uint[] storage xStorage = x;
        xStorage[0] = 100;
  1. Assigning storage to memory creates independent copies, and changes to one will not affect the other; and vice versa. Example:
    uint[] x = [1,2,3]; // state variable: array x
    function fMemory() public view{
        // Declare a variable xMemory of Memory, copy x. Modifying xMemory will not affect x
        uint[] memory xMemory = x;
        xMemory[0] = 100;
  1. Assigning memory to memory will create a reference, and changing the new variable will affect the original variable.
  2. Otherwise, assigning a variable to storage will create independent copies, and modifying one will not affect the other.

Variable scope

There are three types of variables in Solidity according to their scope: state variables, local variables, and global variables.

  1. State variables

State variables are variables whose data is stored on-chain and can be accessed by in-contract functions, but their gas consumption is high.

State variables are declared inside the contract and outside the functions:

contract Variables {
  uint public x = 1;
  uint public y;
  string public z;

We can change the value of the state variable in a function:

    function foo() external{
      // You can change the value of the state variable in the function
      x = 5;
      y = 2;
      z = "0xAA";
  1. Local variable

Local variables are variables that are only valid during function execution; they are invalid after function exit. The data of local variables are stored in memory, not on-chain, and their gas consumption is low.

    function bar() external pure returns(uint){
      uint xx = 1;
      uint yy = 3;
      uint zz = xx + yy;
  1. Global variable

Global variables are variables that work in the global scope and are reserved keywords for solidity. They can be used directly in functions without declaring them:

    function global() external view returns(address, uint, bytes memory){
      address sender = msg.sender;
      uint blockNum = block.number;
      bytes memory data =;
      return(sender, blockNum, data);

In the above example, we use three global variables: msg.sender, block.number and, which represent the sender of the message (current call), current block height, and complete calldata.

Below are some commonly used global variables:

  • blockhash(uint blockNumber): (bytes32) The hash of the given block - only applies to the 256 most recent block.
  • block.coinbase: (address payable) The address of the current block miner
  • block.gaslimit: (uint) The gaslimit of the current block
  • block.number: (uint) Current block number
  • block.timestamp: (uint) The timestamp of the current block, in seconds since the unix epoch
  • gasleft(): (uint256) Remaining gas
  • (bytes calldata) Complete calldata
  • msg.sender: (address payable) Message sender (current caller)
  • msg.sig: (bytes4) first four bytes of the calldata (i.e. function identifier)
  • msg.value: (bytes4) number of wei sent with the message


In this chapter, we learned reference types, data storage locations and variable scopes in Solidity. There are three types of data storage locations: storage, memory and calldata. Gas costs are different for different storage locations. The variable scope include state variables, local variables and global variables.