#Change Log
- Holding Fortune Modifier to House Sheet (Thanks Nicolò)
- It is now possible to add two weapons of the same type to the character
- Disposition DR to Intrigue Tab
- Weapon "Adaptable" quality support (The weapon can be equipped with one or two hands, the extra damage is already calculated.)
- Item Description field resizes with the item sheet size.
- House Event "Player choice" field
- Armor quality field
- modifier window on rolls when holding SHIFT key (can be inverted in settings)
- automatic initiative rolls (when clicking on one of the combat tracker initiative rolls buttons, a window will appear asking the type of initiative)
- the combat and intrigue tab fields are not retaining the values.
- error removing the head of the house.
- glory field to character sheet
- a new function to dice rolls through macros, see the readme to more information.
- update character sheet to Foundry V10
- dice roll that previously applied the dice penalty before the roll was made, instead of applying it when calculating how many dice are kept.
- shows a notification if the test resulting dice pool is less than 1.
- adding member to house sheet
- the system ignored all modifiers and penalties when the ability did not exist on the sheet.
- the system gave an error when rolls a specialty test that had no value on the sheet.
- Sorcery Techniques Sheet
- Character's Sorcery Tab
- Settings option to use ASoIaf Armor Penalty rules instead
- Ability's Specialties can be added to World's Abilities Item now
- little code refactoring to clarity
- Changes to Character's Height accept alphanumeric characters
- House Sheet and your dependencies:
- Holding Sheets
- Event Sheets
- Added an initially implemented localization to House Sheet and others sheets (not finished)
- Refactoring in the current code to make it more reusable.
- Fix a bug with the checkboxes of the settings screen
- A small fix for a bug that occurred when adding a weapon without a correct damage formula for a character.
- Fixed a bug where the character sheet would not open.
- Changes to Project Title, to adding the "Unofficial" text
- Fixes some bugs with character sheet fields: ancestries, age and gender
- Little fix to weapons, in which when adding a weapon with no specialty or damage (or with wrong formulas) the character sheet crashed.
- An initially functional character sheet.
- Functionals Item Sheets
- Weapon Sheet
- Armor Sheet
- Basic Equipment Sheet
- Ability Sheet
- Benefit Sheet
- Drawback Sheet