Invalid Authorization Header Problems calling OAUTH2 covered Resources using the NegotiateSecurityFilter
I need to support CORS handled outside of Tomcat, serve static content, provide SSO Administration Access and API access using OAUTH2 Basic and Bearer Authentication on the same Tomcat Server
1 need a combination of
- NTLM Basic Authentication
- OAUTH2 client_credentials grant type
- Container SSO to restrict access to any contexts not handled by the SSO Security Filter
- OAUTH2 API Access using Bearer Authorization
OAUTH2 uses the Basic Authentication for the client_credentials grant_type as does NTLM Challenge Response.
To work through pretty complex requirement like this you could use a combination of the Tomcat Single-SignOn Authenticator Valve and the NegotiateSecurityFilter
- Configure context.xml with NegotiateAuthenticator
- Configure web.xml and add
- a Filter Mapping to cover requests to your api and oauth2 server using the following parameters
- excludePatterns that include client_credentils grant type Basic Authentication Token Requests and Bearer Authorization Requests
- 2 security-constraint to your CATALINA_BASE\conf\web.xml to exclude all request to your api or oauth server and cover all other request other than OPTIONS methods
- a Filter Mapping to cover requests to your api and oauth2 server using the following parameters
- Omits the OPTIONS method in your security-constraint allowing CORS requests for static content
- Covers all requests for all, but the OPTIONS, HTTP Methods for any context or resource that is not being handled by your NegotiateSecurityFilter
- Lest your use Windows NTLM Basic Authentication request using the waffle.servlet.spi.BasicSecurityFilterProvider configured in the NegotiateSecurityFilter
- exclude the URL Pattern that is to your OAUTH2 Server with a Basic Authentication that is NOT an NTLM Basic Authentication
- continue the FilterChain for any CORS preflight requests
Guarding API requests and OAUTH2 Server Request
- excludeCorsPreflight - lets the FilterChain continue to a CORS filter that will handle the CORS preflight request
- excludeBearerAuthorization - Let Bearer Authorization through to the OAUTH2 covered resource
- exclude requests to your Basic Authentication endpoint
<!-- API requests to OAUTH2 covered resrource -->
<!-- do not Authenticate any CORS preflight requests -->
do not Authenticate the OAUTH2 Basic Authorization requests which are for your OAUTH2 Server
- let resource requests to api and oauth2 servlet be handled by the SecurityFilter
- Handle all resource requests other than OPTIONS requests e.g. fetch to static files
<display-name>let api through and be handled by the Negotiate Security Filter</display-name>
<display-name>context.xml has Waffle for SSO for everything other than /api/*</display-name>
- Authorization: Bearer header, the request goes to api which checks the token with the OAUTH2 Server
- CORS preflight checks with OPTIONS go on to the CORS Filter
- GET /myservlet/api/oauth-covered-resource with no Bearer and not in excludePatterns gets Negotiate/NTLM
- GET /myservlet/api/oauth-covered-servlet Authorization: Basic and in excludePatterns goes to OAUTH client_credentials endpoint @see 2.3.1 of client_password for Client Authentication