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448 lines (372 loc) · 10.8 KB

File metadata and controls

448 lines (372 loc) · 10.8 KB


The examples below illustrate the use of the json class and json_query function.

json construction

#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>

// For convenience
using jsoncons::json;

// Construct a book object
json book1;

book1["category"] = "Fiction";
book1["title"] = "A Wild Sheep Chase: A Novel";
book1["author"] = "Haruki Murakami";
book1["date"] = "2002-04-09";
book1["price"] = 9.01;
book1["isbn"] = "037571894X";  

// Construct another using the insert_or_assign function
json book2;

book2.insert_or_assign("category", "History");
book2.insert_or_assign("title", "Charlie Wilson's War");
book2.insert_or_assign("author", "George Crile");
book2.insert_or_assign("date", "2007-11-06");
book2.insert_or_assign("price", 10.50);
book2.insert_or_assign("isbn", "0802143415");  

// Use insert_or_assign again, but more efficiently
json book3;

// Reserve memory, to avoid reallocations

// Insert in name alphabetical order
// Give insert_or_assign a hint where to insert the next member
auto hint = book3.insert_or_assign(book3.object_range().begin(),"author", "Haruki Murakami");
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, "category", "Fiction");
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, "date", "2006-01-03");
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, "isbn", "1400079276");  
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, "price", 13.45);
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, "title", "Kafka on the Shore");

// Construct a fourth from a string
json book4 = json::parse(R"(
    "category" : "Fiction",
    "title" : "Pulp",
    "author" : "Charles Bukowski",
    "date" : "2004-07-08",
    "price" : 22.48,
    "isbn" : "1852272007"  

// Construct a booklist array

json booklist(json_array_arg);

// For efficiency, reserve memory, to avoid reallocations

// For efficency, tell jsoncons to move the contents 
// of the four book objects into the array

// Add the third book to the front
auto pos = booklist.add(booklist.array_range().begin(),std::move(book3));

// and the last one immediately after

// See what's left of book1, 2, 3 and 4 (expect nulls)
std::cout << book1 << "," << book2 << "," << book3 << "," << book4 << std::endl;

//Loop through the booklist elements using a range-based for loop    
for (const auto& book : booklist.array_range())
    std::cout << book["title"].as<std::string>()
              << ","
              << book["price"].as<double>() << std::endl;

// The second book
json& book = booklist[1];

//Loop through the book's name-value pairs using a range-based for loop    
for (const auto& member : book.object_range())
    std::cout << member.key()
              << ","
              << member.value() << std::endl;

auto it = book.find("author");
if (it != book.object_range().end())
    // member "author" found

if (book.contains("author"))
    // book has a member "author"

book.get("author", "author unknown").as<std::string>();
// Returns author if found, otherwise "author unknown"

catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
    // member "ratings" not found

// Add ratings
book["ratings"]["*****"] = 4;
book["ratings"]["*"] = 2;

// Delete one-star ratings
    // Serialize the booklist to a file
    std::ofstream os("store.json");
    os << pretty_print(booklist);

The JSON output store.json

        "author":"Haruki Murakami",
        "title":"Kafka on the Shore"
        "author":"Charles Bukowski",
        "author":"Haruki Murakami",
        "title":"A Wild Sheep Chase: A Novel"
        "author":"George Crile",
        "title":"Charlie Wilson's War"

json query

#include <fstream>
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
#include <jsoncons_ext/jsonpath/jsonpath.hpp>

// For convenience
using jsoncons::json;
using jsoncons::jsonpath::json_query;

// Deserialize the booklist
std::ifstream is("store.json");
json booklist;
is >> booklist;

// Use a JSONPath expression to find 
// (1) The authors of books that cost less than $12
json result = json_query(booklist, "$[*][?(@.price < 12)].author");
std::cout << result << std::endl;

// (2) The number of books
result = json_query(booklist, "$.length");
std::cout << result << std::endl;

// (3) The third book
result = json_query(booklist, "$[2]");
std::cout << std::endl << pretty_print(result) << std::endl;

// (4) The authors of books that were published in 2004
result = json_query(booklist, "$[*][?( =~ /2004.*?/)].author");
std::cout << result << std::endl;

// (5) The titles of all books that have ratings
result = json_query(booklist, "$[*][?(@.ratings)].title");
std::cout << result << std::endl;

// (6) All authors and titles of books
result = json_query(booklist, "$..['author','title']");
std::cout << pretty_print(result) << std::endl;


(1) ["Haruki Murakami","George Crile"]
(2) [4]
        "author":"Haruki Murakami",
        "title":"A Wild Sheep Chase: A Novel"
(4) ["Charles Bukowski"]
(5) ["Pulp"]
    "Nigel Rees",
    "Sayings of the Century",
    "Evelyn Waugh",
    "Sword of Honour",
    "Herman Melville",
    "Moby Dick",
    "J. R. R. Tolkien",
    "The Lord of the Rings"

Once again, this time with wide characters

wjson construction

#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>

// For convenience
using jsoncons::wjson;

// Construct a book object
wjson book1;

book1[L"category"] = L"Fiction";
book1[L"title"] = L"A Wild Sheep Chase: A Novel";
book1[L"author"] = L"Haruki Murakami";
book1[L"date"] = L"2002-04-09";
book1[L"price"] = 9.01;
book1[L"isbn"] = L"037571894X";

// Construct another using the insert_or_assign function
wjson book2;

book2.insert_or_assign(L"category", L"History");
book2.insert_or_assign(L"title", L"Charlie Wilson's War");
book2.insert_or_assign(L"author", L"George Crile");
book2.insert_or_assign(L"date", L"2007-11-06");
book2.insert_or_assign(L"price", 10.50);
book2.insert_or_assign(L"isbn", L"0802143415");

// Use insert_or_assign again, but more efficiently
wjson book3;

// Reserve memory, to avoid reallocations

// Insert in name alphabetical order
// Give insert_or_assign a hint where to insert the next member
auto hint = book3.insert_or_assign(book3.object_range().begin(), L"author", L"Haruki Murakami");
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, L"category", L"Fiction");
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, L"date", L"2006-01-03");
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, L"isbn", L"1400079276");
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, L"price", 13.45);
hint = book3.insert_or_assign(hint, L"title", L"Kafka on the Shore");

// Construct a fourth from a string
wjson book4 = wjson::parse(LR"(
    "category" : "Fiction",
    "title" : "Pulp",
    "author" : "Charles Bukowski",
    "date" : "2004-07-08",
    "price" : 22.48,
    "isbn" : "1852272007"  

// Construct a booklist array

wjson booklist(json_array_arg);

// For efficiency, reserve memory, to avoid reallocations

// For efficency, tell jsoncons to move the contents 
// of the four book objects into the array

// Add the third book to the front
auto pos = booklist.add(booklist.array_range().begin(),std::move(book3));

// and the last one immediately after

// See what's left of book1, 2, 3 and 4 (expect nulls)
std::wcout << book1 << L"," << book2 << L"," << book3 << L"," << book4 << std::endl;

//Loop through the booklist elements using a range-based for loop    
for (const auto& book : booklist.array_range())
    std::wcout << book[L"title"].as<std::wstring>()
               << L","
               << book[L"price"].as<double>() << std::endl;

// The second book
wjson& book = booklist[1];

//Loop through the book's name-value pairs using a range-based for loop    
for (const auto& member : book.object_range())
    std::wcout << member.key()
               << L","
               << member.value() << std::endl;

auto it = book.find(L"author");
if (it != book.object_range().end())
    // member "author" found

if (book.contains(L"author"))
    // book has a member "author"

book.get(L"author", L"author unknown").as<std::wstring>();
// Returns author if found, otherwise "author unknown"

catch (const std::out_of_range& e)
    // member "ratings" not found

// Add ratings
book[L"ratings"][L"*****"] = 4;
book[L"ratings"][L"*"] = 2;

// Delete one-star ratings
// Serialize the booklist to a file
std::wofstream os("booklist2.json");
os << pretty_print(booklist);

wjson query

// Deserialize the booklist
std::wifstream is("booklist2.json");
wjson booklist;
is >> booklist;

// Use a JSONPath expression to find 
// (1) The authors of books that cost less than $12
wjson result = json_query(booklist, L"$[*][?(@.price < 12)].author");
std::wcout << result << std::endl;

// (2) The number of books
result = json_query(booklist, L"$.length");
std::wcout << result << std::endl;

// (3) The third book
result = json_query(booklist, L"$[2]");
std::wcout << pretty_print(result) << std::endl;

// (4) The authors of books that were published in 2004
result = json_query(booklist, L"$[*][?( =~ /2004.*?/)].author");
std::wcout << result << std::endl;

// (5) The titles of all books that have ratings
result = json_query(booklist, L"$[*][?(@.ratings)].title");
std::wcout << result << std::endl;

// (6) All authors and titles of books
result = json_query(booklist, L"$..['author','title']");
std::wcout << pretty_print(result) << std::endl;


(1) ["Haruki Murakami","George Crile"]
(2) [4]
        "author":"Haruki Murakami",
        "title":"A Wild Sheep Chase: A Novel"
(4) ["Charles Bukowski"]
(5) ["Pulp"]
    "Nigel Rees",
    "Sayings of the Century",
    "Evelyn Waugh",
    "Sword of Honour",
    "Herman Melville",
    "Moby Dick",
    "J. R. R. Tolkien",
    "The Lord of the Rings"