Love to play the good old snake game from time to time. Used to have all the level codes, but now they're gone. One in particular is of interest to me - the one that lets you win effortlessly. I only recall it starts with VolgaCTF{
Can you help me find that auto-win code?
A browser based snake game backend in wasm.
So I dumped the big wasm file with help of developer tools and used to decompile to .wat file.
Randomly going through the functions I see f277
is the largest function which takes 30 bytes and returns 1 byte, this seems to be the function that check our code. I verified it by using breakpoint in Chrome Dev Tools... the input are the code we enter in a scrambled way.
(func $f277 (type $t61) (param $p0 i32) (param $p1 i32) (param $p2 i32) (param $p3 i32) (param $p4 i32) (param $p5 i32) (param $p6 i32) (param $p7 i32) (param $p8 i32) (param $p9 i32) (param $p10 i32) (param $p11 i32) (param $p12 i32) (param $p13 i32) (param $p14 i32) (param $p15 i32) (param $p16 i32) (param $p17 i32) (param $p18 i32) (param $p19 i32) (param $p20 i32) (param $p21 i32) (param $p22 i32) (param $p23 i32) (param $p24 i32) (param $p25 i32) (param $p26 i32) (param $p27 i32) (param $p28 i32) (param $p29 i32) (result i32)
After initialisation the function multiplies some flag bytes and adds the sum of them, at the end another constant is added and the value is passed to $f278
along with another value(256). The function returns the modulus of the sum with 256 and after that a check is done if the modulus is zero or not... (Analysis done with help of breakpoints)
i32.load8_u offset=31
set_local $l4
i32.const 255
set_local $l5
get_local $l4
get_local $l5
set_local $l6
i32.const 81
set_local $l7
get_local $l6
get_local $l7
set_local $l8
get_local $l2
i32.load8_u offset=30
set_local $l9
i32.const 255
set_local $l10
get_local $l9
get_local $l10
set_local $l11
i32.const 244
set_local $l12
get_local $l11
get_local $l12
set_local $l13
get_local $l8
get_local $l13
set_local $l14
get_local $l2
i32.load8_u offset=2
set_local $l171
i32.const 255
set_local $l172
get_local $l171
get_local $l172
set_local $l173
i32.const 44
set_local $l174
get_local $l173
get_local $l174
set_local $l175
get_local $l170
get_local $l175
set_local $l176
i32.const 168
set_local $l177
get_local $l176
get_local $l177
set_local $l178
get_local $l178
set_local $l179
get_local $l179
set_local $l5775
get_local $l5775
get_local $l5774
call $f278
There are 30 other check blocks similar to this... so I parsed 18 of them (others weren't needed for the flag) the constants with regex and applied z3. Script here