All clam needs to do is snap and finite will turn into infinite...
Find it on the shell server at /problems/2021/infinity_gauntlet
or over netcat at nc 21700
Decompiling the binary in IDA and renaming/retyping variables we get...
void main(int argc, const char **argv, const char **envp)
setvbuf(_bss_start, 0LL, 2, 0LL);
stream = fopen("flag.txt", "r");
if ( stream )
fgets((char *)flag, 256, stream);
v5 = strcspn((const char *)flag, "\n");
v6 = v5;
flag[v5] = 0;
if ( v5 )
v7 = (char *)flag;
v8 = 17 * v5;
v9 = 0;
*v7 ^= v9;
v9 += 17;
while ( (_BYTE)v9 != v8 );
rnd_no = 1;
v11 = time(0LL);
puts("Welcome to the infinity gauntlet!");
puts("If you complete the gauntlet, you'll get the flag!");
while ( 1 )
printf("=== ROUND %d ===\n", (unsigned int)rnd_no);
v14 = rand();
check = rnd_no > 49 ? flag[v14 % v6] | ((unsigned __int8)(v14 % v6 + rnd_no) << 8) : rand() % 0x10000;
if ( (rand() & 1) != 0 )
v12 = rand() % 3;
if ( v12 )
if ( v12 == 1 )
v22 = rand();
printf("foo(%u, ?) = %u\n", (unsigned int)(v22 % 1337), (v22 % 1337) ^ (check + 1) ^ 0x539);
v13 = rand();
printf("foo(%u, %u) = ?\n", check ^ (v13 % 1337 + 1) ^ 0x539, (unsigned int)(v13 % 1337));
v19 = rand();
printf("foo(?, %u) = %u\n", (unsigned int)(v19 % 1337), check ^ (v19 % 1337 + 1) ^ 0x539);
v16 = rand();
if ( (v16 & 3) != 0 )
v17 = v16 % 4;
if ( v17 == 1 )
v24 = rand() % 1337;
v25 = rand();
v26 = (unsigned int)(v25 >> 31);
LODWORD(v26) = v25 % 1337;
printf("bar(%u, ?, %u) = %u\n", v24, v26, v24 + check * (v25 % 1337 + 1));
else if ( v17 == 2 )
v27 = rand() % 1337;
v28 = rand();
v29 = (unsigned int)(v28 >> 31);
LODWORD(v29) = v28 % 1337;
printf("bar(%u, %u, ?) = %u\n", v27, v29, v27 + v28 % 1337 * (check + 1));
v18 = check <= 0x539 ? rand() % check : rand() % 1337;
printf("bar(%u, %u, %u) = ?\n", check % v18, v18, check / v18 - 1);
v20 = rand() % 1337;
v21 = rand();
printf("bar(?, %u, %u) = %u\n", v20, (unsigned int)(v21 % 1337), check + v20 * (v21 % 1337 + 1));
__isoc99_scanf("%u", &inp);
if ( inp != check )
printf("Correct! Maybe round %d will get you the flag ;)\n", (unsigned int)++rnd_no);
puts("Couldn't find a flag file.");
So basically it reads the flag and encrypts it with xoring, then there is a loop of equations with random values.
We have to solve the equations to get the check
value. After 49 rounds the lower 8 bits is the character of the flag and the upper 8 bits is the position of the character. Then we can xor it again to get the flag.
Solve script here