I made a new proprietary server to submit flags to! It uses my new proprietary extremely straightforward protocol. There's no client yet, but I figured I would test it in this CTF anyway. Connect to rev.2021.chall.actf.co
on... you can figure out the port.
We are given a server binary. This is an easy challenge but it has very less solves because IDA can't decompile it (stack frame is too big error). So I relied on the ugly code given by Ghidra and cleared it with help of IDA graph view.
The rough program is like...
void main(int argc, char const *argv[])
unsigned char rand_send[0xD];
/* code */
unsigned char data[] = {0xde, 0xad, 0xbe, 0xef, 0xfe, 0xed, 0xca, 0xfe, 0x13, 0x37, 0xab, 0xcd, 0xef};
/* code */
memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
int s = getaddrinfo(NULL, "21450", &hints, &result);
if (s != 0) {
puts("getaddrinfo error");
sfd = socket(result->ai_family, result->ai_socktype, result->ai_protocol);
s = setsockopt(sfd, 1, 2, 1, 4);
if (s != 0) {
puts("setsockopt error");
s = bind(sfd,result->ai_addr,result->ai_addrlen);
if (s != 0) {
puts("bind error");
s = listen(sfd,0x10)
if (s == 0) {
puts("listen error");
/* code */
FILE *rand_stream = fopen("/dev/urandom","r");
FILE *flag_stream = fopen("flag.txt","r");
char flag [64];
fd_set read_fds;
fd_set except_fds;
while (1) {
/* code initializing fd sets*/
int FD_SETSIZE = sfd+1
s = select(int FD_SETSIZE, readfds, NULL, except_fds, NULL);
if (s == -1) {
puts("select error");
for(int i=0; i < FD_SETSIZE; i++)
if(!FD_ISSET (i, &except_fds)) // Probable
if(FD_ISSET (i, &readfds)) // Probable
if (i == sock)
s = accept(sfd, (sockaddr *)0x0, (socklen_t *)0x0);
if (s == -1) {
puts("accept error");
/* code */
for(int j=0; j < 0xD; j++)
unsigned char tmp = _IO_getc((_IO_FILE *)rand_stream);
tmp ^= data[j];
rand_send[i] = tmp;
send(sfd, tmp, 1, 0);
int inp_count = 0;
int flag_count = 0;
long check_number = 0x13371337;
unsigned char buffer [264];
s = recv(sfd, buffer, 0x100, 0);
if (s == -1) {
printf("recv error %s\n");
/* code */
else if (s == 0)
/* code */
unsigned char inp_data[22];
for(int x=0; x < s; x++)
inp_data[inp_count++] = buffer[x];
int check = 1;
for(int k=0; k < 0xD; k++)
if(inp_data[i+9] != rand_send[i])
check = 0;
long long tmp = rand_func(check_number);
if(*(long *)inp_data != tmp)
check = 0;
if(inp_data[8] == flag[flag_count])
if(check == 0)
/* code */
inp_count = 0;
check_number = 0;
send(sfd, "%", 1, 0);
for(int k=0; k < 0xD; k++)
int tmp = rand() & 0xFF;
send(sfd, tmp, 1, 0);
check_number = (check_number << 8) + tmp
send(sfd, "\r", 1, 0);
/* code */
long long func(long long a1)
srand(a1 ^ 0xBC614E);
int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i <= 7; ++i )
sum = rand() % 10 + 10 * sum;
return a1 * sum;
So the program:
- It gives 0xD bytes of xored rand data to connecting.
- Then it receives some data in the order
[8 bytes of check_data from rand_func][1 byte of flag][0xD bytes of rand]
If the flag byte and the checks are correct then it returns %
and the 4 bytes needed for new check_number
else it returns \r
. So we can bruteforce the flag bytes. We just need to take care of the checks, the 1st check needs to be calculated every time.
Solve script here