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Blockcerts Longevity and Availability

Kim (Hamilton) Duffy edited this page Feb 26, 2017 · 7 revisions


The blockcerts approach allows recipients to own and distribute their own credentials. It allows anyone to independently verify the certificate contents, without relying on a trusted party. There are a couple of near-term problems affecting longevity, which we have plans to address.

A Blockchain Certificate contains its own proof. Because the blockchain is a persistent, immutable store, one can always prove the certificate contents are not tampered with, but establishing authenticity and non-revocation relies on issuer-hosted information.

This includes:

  • Issuer identification: hosting of public keys (missing breaks verification)
  • Recipient revocation (missing breaks verification)
  • Certificates themselves (inconvenience or data loss if recipient doesn’t have backup)
    • Recipients have their own copy, but it’s easier for recipients to provide a URL for others

Full details of issuer hosting requirements are here

The dependency on issuer hosting is problematic because it can interfere with the availability or longevity of a recipient’s credentials. Problems can range from temporary (such web site issues) to permanent (such as the issuer going out of business).


The reliance of URIs is a choice of expedience that we will ultimately remove, which help address the problems of longevity and availability.

Quick note on Revocation The proposed V2 revocation technique of an issuer-hosted revocation list URI continues reliance on issuer-hosted data. But even before V2, revocation had a dependency on issuer-hosted data, as the issuer revocation key which was used to spend the output had to be checked with the issuer.

Options for Permanence

Archiving/redirect services

One way to extend the lifetime of a certificate if the issuer went out of business is use of an archival registry, e.g content formerly available at URI x is now available at y. Because this involves maintenance, and trust in the maintainer, this is not ideal long term. But it could be used as a stopgap measure.

Permanent, Decentralized File Store

The fundamental problems discussed above would be solved by moving content currently hosted by the issuer to a file store that is permanent and available.

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) would provide a permanent and decentralized method of storing and sharing issuer-hosted data. (More precisely, the naming service based on IPFS -- IPNS -- would be required to allow the issuer to update data while remaining available at a fixed name.)

This could also be used as a permanent store for the certificate itself, so that the recipient can easily share the address of the certificate, even if the issuer goes away.

Note that, if a permanent file store is used, there would be a strong assumption that it’s the issuer’s responsibility to keep the data current. So, if the issuer goes out of business, whatever the current revocation list in IPFS/IPNS reflects is interpreted as correct.

Note that a distributed file store also addresses the availability aspects.

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