our performance script is based on Tensorflow==2.1
. If you want to know how to install it, please access tensorflow.install
other requiring packages are all listed in pip-requirements.txt
, just input:
[user@gpu8 /workspace]$ pip install -r adsl4mtf/pip-requirements.txt
is the directory of this projectoutput
used to store log filepicture
used to store pictures
|--- adsl4mtf
|--- output
| |
| |--- output
| |
| |--- xxx.log
|--- picture
In server:
[user@gpu8 /workspace]$ python adsl4mtf/run.py\
--class_nums=10,1000 &> output/xxx.log
In modelarts:
args | value |
data_url | /bucket-8048/dataset/mindspore_train/mini-imagenet-sp2/val/ |
num_gpus | 8 |
models | resnet18,resnet50 |
class_nums | 10,1000,65536 |
cloud |
[user@gpu8 /workspace]$ python adsl4mtf/utils/log_manager.py\
[user@gpu8 /workspace]$ python adsl4mtf/utils/124gpu.py
Before drawing pictures, you should set several configurations in the script
# num_classes and the batch_size in buildfilename should be taken into account
num_classes = [10,1000,10000,65536]
use_fp16 = [0,1]
parallel = ["AUTO_PARALLEL"]
device_num = [1,2,4,8]
subnum = 4
dir1 = "output/output/"
def buildfilename(modelname):
strlist = []
for a in range(4):
for b in range(2):
for c in range(1):
strtmp = "model_" + modelname + "_num_classes_"+ str(num_classes[a]) + "_use_fp16_" + str(use_fp16[b]) + "_batch_size_32.0_parallel_mode_" + str(parallel[c]) +"_device_num_"
return strlist
# config the models
if __name__ == '__main__':
picname = ["resnet18","resnet50","resnet101","resnet152","vgg11","vgg13","vgg16","vgg19"]
for p in picname:
the output pictures will be stored in /workspace/picture
we measure the performance of mesh tensorflow in vgg and resnet models. And the training configurations are:
batch size | metric | dataset | precision | class num |
32 | samples/second | mini-imagenet | FP32 | 100 |
All data below are got from V100 clusters in huawei cloud platform.
model | 1 GPU | 2 GPU | 4 GPU | 8 GPU |
vgg11 | 363 | 466 | 806 | 1180 |
vgg13 | 242 | 451 | 367 | 672 |
vgg16 | 205 | 381 | 389 | 606 |
vgg19 | 179 | 334 | 337 | 550 |
resnet18 | 469 | 577 | 880 | 1293 |
resnet50 | 175 | 281 | 265 | 431 |
resnet101 | 112 | 160 | - | - |
resent152 | 79 | 114 | - | - |
auto mixed precision is not supported in mesh tensorflow.
log process programme- wide&deep
make a dict for mesh shapefp16 for resnetfp32 for vggmini-dataset uploadreplace the cifar10 with the mini-imagenet- mesh shape={'b1':8} -> how to set the value of the class nums for model parallel