Can you figure out what the key to this program is?
When going though the binary with Ghidra
, we can see that the key is 15 characters long and has the flag format, so the first bytes and the last one are fixed. We need to find the 8 bytes between the brackets and since there is a function that checks whether a byte is digit, upper- or lowercase we can assume that these are the possible characters. The following angr
script tries to find the correct key with consideration of the restrictions by searching for a path to the address 0x0804936f
where Key valid!
is printed out and avoiding all the addresses of error cases.
import angr
import claripy
import logging
proj = angr.Project("./keygen-1")
argv1 = claripy.BVS('argv1', 0xf*8)
state = proj.factory.entry_state(args=["./keygen-1", argv1])
state.solver.add(argv1.get_byte(0) == 0x6e)
state.solver.add(argv1.get_byte(1) == 0x61)
state.solver.add(argv1.get_byte(2) == 0x63)
state.solver.add(argv1.get_byte(3) == 0x74)
state.solver.add(argv1.get_byte(4) == 0x66)
state.solver.add(argv1.get_byte(5) == 0x7b)
state.solver.add(argv1.get_byte(14) == 0x7d)
for i in range(6,14):
digit = state.solver.And(argv1.get_byte(i) >= 0x30, argv1.get_byte(i) <= 0x39)
lower = state.solver.And(argv1.get_byte(i) >= 0x41, argv1.get_byte(i) <= 0x5a)
upper = state.solver.And(argv1.get_byte(i) >= 0x61, argv1.get_byte(i) <= 0x7a)
state.solver.add(state.solver.Or(digit, lower, upper))
sm = proj.factory.simulation_manager(state)
sm.explore(find=(0x0804936f), avoid=(0x0804938, 0x080492d8, 0x080492c4, 0x080492a5))
found = sm.found[0]
solution = found.solver.eval(argv1, cast_to=bytes)
flag: nactf{GEZhxWsw}