Let us start with a very basic web challenge.
Here is your web application Lets HACK
Author: TheIllusion
View the source of the login page, there are user credentials given as comment at the bottom, encrypted with md5.
username: ee11cbb19052e40b07aac0ca060c23ee
password: bdc87b9c894da5168059e00ebffb9077
Simply reverse them using online services and login with the credentials username user
and password password1234
. After the login, a weired image is shown, some keys are disabled that should prevent you from right clicking or opening dev console. To view the source simply goto view-source:https://sec-army.ml/web_salad/index.php, at the bottom is a base64 encoded string as comment that contains the flag.
$ echo "c2VjYXJteXt3M2JfYnVjazN0XzNuYzB1bjdlcjNkfQo=" | base64 -d
flag: secarmy{w3b_buck3t_3nc0un7er3d}