Introduction To Information gathering
information gathering is the first step of any penetration test and involves gathering or collecting information about an individual
the more information you have on your target the more successful you will be during the scanning and exploitation phase
information gathering is typically broken down into two types
- Passive information gathering : involves gathering as much information as possible without actively engaging with the target
- Active information gathering : involves gathering as much information as possible by actively engaging with the target
as a penetration tester what information are you looking for ?
- Identifying IP addresses & DNS information
- Identifying domain names and domain ownership information
- Identifying email addresses and social media profiles
- Identifying subdomains
- Discovering open ports on target machine
- Learning about the internal infrastructure of a target network/organization
- Enumerating information from the target systems
Website Recon & Footprinting (Passive Information Gathering) host [domain name] ===> kali tool for DNS Lookup utility
- firefox ad- dons or google .. etc >> Builtwith and Wappalyzer
- Httrack website copier ===> apt install webttrack
Whois Enumeration (Passive Information Gathering)
- Whosis [domain name] ===> Kali Tool for Whois Information about Domain
- ===> Check Whois Information online
Website Footprinting With Netcraft (Passive Information Gathering)
- ===> Checks all Footprinting and Enumeration online
DNS Recon (Passive Information Gathering)
- dnsrecon -d [domain name] ===> Kali Tool for DNS Enumeration Check with "" for unsecure dns records
- ===> DNS Recon, Find & Lookup DNS
WAF Detection With wafw00f (Passive Information Gathering)
- wafw00f [domain name] ===> Kali Tool Web Application Firewall Detection on a Domian
Subdomain Enumeration With Sublist3r (Passive Information Gathering)
- apt install sublist3r ===> Download the tool and install on Kali Linux
- sublist3r -d [domain name] ===> List subdomains for Domain
Google Dorks (Passive Information Gathering)
- site:[domian name] ===> Search Results from Specific Domain
- site:[domian name] filetype:pdf ===> Search PDF Files from Specific Domain
- Google Dorks Cheat Sheets
Email Harvesting With theHarvester (Passive Information Gathering) $ theHarvester -d [domain name] -b google ===> Harvest Email Addresses for Domain from Google
Leaked Password Databases (Passive Information Gathering)
DNS Zone Transfers (Active Information Gathering)
- Use this website "" for testing
- then search for "" domain ==> you will see limited results
- zone transfer must be enabled on the DNS Server in order to make a transfer
- dnsenum ==> Get a full list of information
Host Discovery with Nmap (Active Information Gathering) $ sudo nmap -sn $ sudo apt install netdiscover -y $ sudo netdiscover -i eth0 --> Discovery by sending ARP Requests to IPs
$ nmap ==> SYN Scan on the most common 1000 ports
$ nmap -Pn ==> SYN Scan on the most common 1000 ports in case Windows Firewall blocks ICMP
$ Follow the cheat sheet file for more examples
Step 1: Checking the target IP address $ cat /root/Desktop/target
Step 2: Ping the target machine to see if it’s alive or not. $ ping -c 5 IP
Step 3: Run a Nmap scan against the target IP. $ nmap IP
Step 4: Running Nmap using the -Pn option to discover all alive ports. $ nmap -Pn IP
You could specify the port by typing its number for example $ nmap -Pn -p 443 IP
Step 5 we could use option -sV and this option is used to determine the application version information $ nmap -Pn -sV -p 80 IP
to scan all the ports use option -p-
$ nmap -Pn -sV -p- IP