Our Portal app is built with Remix/Vite. 📖 See the Remix docs and the Remix Vite docs for details on supported features.
Once you've cloned the intuition-ts
monorepo you can run Portal from the monorepo root. Install all packages from the monorepo root by running pnpm install
- Remix (with Vite)
- Vite: Vite Documentation
- Remix Flat Routes: Flat Routes Documentation
- Web3:
- Privy: Privy Documentation
- Wagmi: Wagmi Documentation
- Viem: Viem Documentation
- RainbowKit: RainbowKit Documentation
- Sign in with Ethereum: Sign in with Ethereum Documentation
- DIDSession: Ceramic Network did-session Module Documentation
- Styling:
- Shadcn/ui: Shadcn/ui Documentation
- Tailwind: Tailwind Documentation
- Radix: Radix Documentation
- Forms and Data:
- Zod: Zod Documentation
- Conform: Conform Documentation
Run the Vite dev server:
pnpm run --filter portal dev
Please read the Portal deployments runbook for a detailed explanation of how we deploy to Dev, Staging, and Prod.
You can also refer to this loom recording for a quick walkthrough